WestMed Initiative shifts Focus towards Key Areas

After extensive discussions with stakeholders and after having studied numerous policy and research papers, it was concluded that a slight change in course is required for this initiative.

Phase I was meant to establish the added value of an overall maritime approach for the Western Mediterranean. And, whether there is enough support from the most relevant stakeholders to move forward.

However, rather than creating an all-encompassing approach, it became clear that most can be gained by identifying and working on specific gaps, overlappings and cooperation opportunities between already existing policies and initiatives.

This has resulted in a focus on a limited number of key areas that, if addressed properly, can benefit most within the context of strengthening a sustainable blue economy for this sea basin and the countries bordering it.

These areas have been identified and are currently being discussed with the parties involved. Once agreed – it will form the basis of Phase II during which these areas will be further explored and laid out in the WestMed Initiative and Action Plan.