EASME | Studies to Support the European Green Deal: Lot 1 Shellfish and Algae and Lot 2 Vessel Density | 30 September 2020

The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) is launching this call for tenders for further development and maintenance of the European Marine Observation and Data Network. The European Commission’s proposal for a green deal resets the Commission’s commitment to achieving zero emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 with economic growth decoupled from resource use. The aim of this call for tender is to add to the evidence base that will underpin planning for this transition. It will look at two particular aspects:Lot 1 ‘shellfish and algae’ — assessing the potential of shellfish and algae to recycle nutrients,Lot 2 ‘vessel density‘ — improving knowledge of vessel density in European waters;EASME wishes to enter into two service contracts, one for each of the above lots.The tasks to be carried out by the contractor are further detailed in the tender specifications in section 1.


Open procedure
One or more lot
Public contract
1350000.00 EUR


More information on Ted.eTendering.