Circular Design For The Sustainability Of The Offshore Renewable Energy Sector | 22 June 2021 | Online

22 June 2021 - 22 June 2021

offshore wind turbine windfarm

On 22 June 2021, from 10:00 to 12:00 the event “Circular Design For The Sustainability Of The Offshore Renewable Energy Sector” will take place.

The event is also labelled as World Circular Economy Forum side event (

Building on the offshore renewable energy strategy, the aim of the event is to present EMFF projects that are contributing with innovative solutions to increase circularity in the offshore wind energy sector. A virtual round table is planned in order to discuss challenges and opportunities for off-shore wind installations and circular economy.

The registrations are now open. You can register at CINEA website, where you can also find the draft agenda.