The Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Innovation LaunchPad | 9 October 2019 | 14 October 2020

The Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Innovation LaunchPad aims to turn results from FET funded projects into societal or economic innovations.

The FET Innovation LaunchPad topic encourages activities such as defining a commercialisation process, market and competitiveness analysis, technology assessment, verification of innovation potential, consolidation of intellectual property rights, business case development. Proposals can include activities with, for instance, partners for technology transfer, license-takers, investors and other sources of financing, societal organisations or potential end-users.

One of the expected impacts of the Innovation LaunchPad topic is to bring about improved competitiveness of the European industry, and economy overall, by seeding future growth and the creation of jobs from EIC Pathfinder FET research results. And indeed, experience from earlier calls shows that some projects have managed to launch a spin-off! Other projects have been able to receive funding from VC funds or signed first sales with customers. Some even have recruited staff of more than 20 high-profile physicists and engineers.

Its a single-stage proposal opened the 9 October 2019.

More information here and here.


14 October 2020

Project duration

The Commission considers that proposals for actions no longer than 18 month

Financial allocation

Up to EUR 100.000 is available to support short actions focused on the non-scientific aspects and the early stages of turning a FET result into a genuine innovation with socio-economic impacts


EU Member States, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania ( Annex A  of Horizon 2020 Work Programme)

Expected Impact

• Increased value creation from FET projects by picking up innovation opportunities.
• Improved societal and market acceptance of concrete high-potential innovations from FET projects.
• Stimulating, supporting and rewarding an open and proactive mind-set towards exploitation beyond the research world.
• Contributing to the competitiveness of European industry/economy by seeding future growth and the creation of jobs from FET research.

Proposals must build on results from an ongoing or recently finished project, funded as a result of call in any FET topic under FP7 or Horizon 2020 and clearly identified in the proposal. For a project to be considered “recently finished” in the context of this call topic its actual end date must be at most one year before the deadline for proposal submission to this topic. For a project to be considered “ongoing” in the context of this call topic the deadline for proposal submission to this topic must be within the period limited by the contractual start date and end date of the project.