
Horizon 2020 | Empower SME clusters to bring SMEs ‘across the valley of death’ | 4 April – 4 September 2019

4 April – 4 September 2019

The call opened the 4th of April 2019 and it is classified as a Bio-based Industries Coordination and Support action (BBI-CSA)

CSA: actions consisting primarily of accompanying measures such as standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies, including design studies for new infrastructure, and may also include complementary activities of networking and coordination between programmes in different countries.



The specific challenge is to design the appropriate tools and system to build the capacity of SME clusters so that they can train SMEs to devise excellent projects that are scalable, investment ready and which convey these qualities to potential investors.

Identify possible systems for enabling SME clusters to set up a platform where SME entrepreneurs in the bio-based industry and investors can exchange expertise and business opportunities that could lead to successful cooperation. The scope includes the necessary steps to ‘train the trainers’ as well as practical steps SMEs can use when preparing and presenting projects with a high level of investment readiness and building the capacity of SME clusters to build links with investors.

Proposals should devise a framework that can be used to select the best projects through a competition in which investors evaluate and select winning SME proposals at regional level. If the winner’s reward is a cash prize, its value is not an eligible cost in the framework of the grant agreement.

Proposals should also set the basis for a European final of regional winners, and hence, proposers should link up with relevant and interested regional authorities.

The Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) will set up an industry and market expert group from among its members to provide expertise on the implementation and follow-up of the different tasks and help organise meetings. This expert group is not to be a part of the proposal, but will be offered to the project consortium to assist as needed.


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Horizon 2020 | Apply microorganisms and/or enzymes to resolve end-of-life issues of plastic | 4 April – 4 September 2019

4 April – 4 September 2019

The call opened the 4th of April 2019 and it is classified as a Bio-based Industries Research & innovation actions (BBI-RIA).

RIA: are actions primarily consisting of activities aiming to establish new knowledge and/or to explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. For this purpose they may include basic and applied research, technology development.


Microorganisms and/or enzymes can be applied to biodegrade/decompose plastic waste, one of the major threats to our ecosystem. This is a key focus area to apply the concept of the circular economy, besides changing human behaviour and production systems.

Scope: Select and apply the appropriate microorganisms and/or enzymes to address one or both of the following issues:

▪ convert waste streams containing non-biodegradable polymers;

▪ remove non-biodegradable polymers from the environment.

Proposals may include tailored microorganisms and/or enzymes for co-digestion or co-fermentation of different feedstock, provided that the developed solutions result in sufficient yields in terms of: (i) breaking down the feedstock; and/or (ii) conversion into valuable products.

Proposals should address all requirements for RIA as shown in Table 3, pp.24-25, in the Introduction of the Annual Work plan 20199. The technology readiness level (TRL) at the end of the project should be  4-5 for the bio-based value chain in question. Proposals should clearly state the starting and end TRLs of the key technology or technologies targeted in the project. Industry participation in the project would be considered as an added value


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Horizon 2020 | Produce components for various materials, including for food and feed, from microalgae | 4 April – 4 September 2019

4 April – 4 September 2019

The call opened the 4th of April 2019 and it is classified as a Bio-based Industries Innovation action – Demonstration (BBI-IA-DEMO).

Innovation actions – « Demonstration » aim to validate the technical and economic viability of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution in an operational environment. They contain mainly demonstrator activities corresponding to Technology Readiness Level (TRL) levels 6 to 7.


Demonstrate the efficient and sustainable cultivation, recovery and processing of microalgae and downstream production of high-value chemicals and/or materials including food and feed ingredients. The scope of this topic excludes energy carriers (such as liquid fuels or hydrogen) as the main products. Proposals should aim for large-scale continuous cultivation and recovery of microalgae, as well as separation and purification of the targeted products. Proposals should also aim at reducing inputs for microalgae cultivation such as energy, water, nutrients and CO2 (or other carbon sources in case heterotrophic microalgae are envisaged). Proposals should valorise as many as possible of the valuable compounds contained in the microalgae through a cascading approach.

Proposals should address all requirements for IA – demonstration actions as shown in Table 3, pp.24-25, in the Introduction of the Annual Work plan 2019 . The establishment of a demo-scale production facility, being it a new installation, a substantially modified existing facility, or the use of existing demo facilities is mandatory.


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Premier appel à propositions : 41 projets approuvés pour un financement du Programme

Lors de sa dernière réunion qui s’est tenue pour la toute première fois au Caire (Egypte) les 29 et 30 janvier 2019, le Comité de Suivi Conjoint (organe décisionnel du Programme IEV CTF Med composé des représentants de 13 pays participants) a approuvé une liste de 41 projets recommandés pour un financement par le Comité de Sélection des Projets.

Sur la base de la qualité des propositions évaluées, le Comité de Suivi Conjoint a décidé d’augmenter le budget de l’appel, dans la limite de 20% fixée par les règles de l’UE, et de financer davantage de projets. Globalement, la valeur des 41 projets approuvés est de 110 millions d’euros, dont 100 millions d’euros de contribution de l’UE. La contribution initiale de l’UE à cet appel s’élevait à 84,6 millions d’euros.

Un nombre accru de projets conduits par des organismes des Pays Partenaires Méditerranéens

L’un des principaux résultats de ce premier appel est l’augmentation substantielle du nombre de projets conduits par des organismes de Pays Partenaires Méditerranéens (8 dans le cadre d’un seul appel contre 6 au cours de la période 2007-2013) : cette tendance positive souligne l’appropriation croissante du Programme IEV CTF Med par les 13 pays participants.

Sur les 282 organismes impliqués dans les projets approuvés, 61% sont établies dans les Pays partenaires méditerranéens.

Une attention toute particulière aux jeunes et aux femmes

Sur la base des 11 priorités thématiques abordées par l’appel, les 41 projets approuvés mettront en œuvre des actions concertées reflétant les principaux défis et besoins des 13 pays participants (Chypre, Égypte, Espagne, France, Grèce, Israël, Italie, Jordanie, Liban, Malte, Palestine, Portugal et Tunisie) dans les domaines du développement des entreprises, de l’innovation, de l’inclusion sociale et de la lutte contre la pauvreté ainsi que de la durabilité environnementale.

Conformément aux objectifs du Programme, les projets approuvés accordent une attention particulière aux jeunes et aux femmes afin de favoriser leur participation à la vie économique par le biais d’actions favorisant l’accès à l’emploi  et le développement de compétences professionnelles.

Les prochaines étapes

Les 92 chefs de file impliqués dans la deuxième étape de l’appel à propositions recevront un courrier de l’Autorité de Gestion contenant les résultats de l’évaluation.

Les bénéficiaires sélectionnés commenceront bientôt le processus qui mènera menant à la signature du contrat de subvention avec l’Autorité de Gestion, ce qui permettra de lancer la mise en œuvre des activités prévues.

Premier appel à propositions : liste des projets approuvés (01.02.2019)

Actualités connexes

23.07.2018 – Call for standard projects: 92 proposals admitted to the second step of the evaluation process
31.01.2018 – Results of first call for proposals confirm interest of Euro-Mediterranean partnership in cross-border cooperation
18.07.2017 – First call for proposals launched: €84.6 million for the financing of cross-border cooperation projects in the Mediterranean
