
westmed.euromaritime.22- Colin ruel and frederick Herpers presenting

The WestMED initiative was back in Marseilles during Euromaritime 2022

As part of the series of national events organised by the Assistance Mechanism, the French National Hub hosted an “assessment and perspectives” sequence of its activity on 28 June 2022 in the Sea-Research space.

The event was opened by the General secretary for the Sea who ensures the coordination of the French engagement in the WestMed Initiative with the ministry in charge of Foreign Affairs.

The French NH presented the work done over the last four years with a focus on submitted and awarded projects.  To illustrate, lead partners presented how their projects  support the WestMEDpriorities:

  • Ifremer with Prep4Blue  contributes to Ocean Mission 2030 by providing tools and services that will allow co-design and co-implementation of solutions with citizens and stakeholders and also synergies among different contributions to the Mission (development of a Knowledge Ecosystem)
  • Secrétariat Général de la Mer  with the IRA-MAR  project to «  Enhance the cooperation in reducing pollutions and chemical risks  in ports » following the OuestMOPOCO project
  • Plan Bleu, UNEP/MAP RAC , on the recommendations of “Blue Growth Community Interreg Med” which were elaborated during the INTERREG MED Blue Growth Project
  • Pôle Mer Méditerranée with the H2020 GALATEA  project : «  a catalyser for SMEs »  and one granted project PyCHARGE   proposed by PYTHEAS Technology
  • Pôle Mer Méditerranée with a Catalog of solutions for smart Ports « Le French Smart Port in Med »  which was developed with Grand Port Maritime Marseille and the  University of Marseille-Aix en provence
  • La Touline with its offers of services to support upskilling and feed the blue economy sectors needs in properly trained and skilled workers
  • CNRS, presented the H2020 GROOM RI project which is developing the UAV capacities to improve the marine observation and knowledge.

All  presentations made it possible to discuss the support provided in submitting “WestMed” labelled projects, sustainabality of activities (transport, port, tourism) and the adequacy of skills and professions required. It demonstrated the full awareness of the French stakeholders on the WestMED initiative and  willingness to share their best practice experiences to support cooperation in the sub-seabasin with new project-definitions and submissions for upcoming funding opportunities such as Horizon Europe and EMFAF.

The exchanges  and the conclusions were shared with the WestMED community during of the Hackathon event which was held in Malta on 30 June 2022.


Download all presentations (zip file)

For more information, contact Frédérick Herpers (WestMED National Hub France):

A new Blue Economy support ecosystem proposed during Italy’s WestMED National Event in Naples

Within the beautiful setting of the new museum Darwin Dohrn in Naples, on May 26th and 27th 2022, the WestMED National Coordinators and the National Hubs organized the Italian ‘WestMED in my country’ event: “Blue Accelerators & Incubators: the main challenge for Blue Growth in Italy”.

With the practical support of Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Blue Italian Growth and Federazione del Mare, the endorsement of the Department of Cohesion within the Presidency of Council of Ministers and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this was also recognized as an official EMD in my country 2022 event.

It was opened with speeches from the Mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi (former Dean of the University Federico II) and the Regional Counsellor for Research, Innovation and Start-ups of the Campania Region, Valeria Fascione.

Based on a structural gap in the Italian Blue Economy ecosystem, the idea proposed was implementing a national supply chain of support for innovation, new entrepreneurship and employability, based on an alliance that consists of Maritime Clusters, Accelerators & Incubators and Investors & Fund Managers (public & private).

Such a supply chain could facilitate and expedite the search for partners & financial resources by the promoters of a Blue Economy initiative, while national and regional maritime clusters could help mitigate the risks taken by investors and accelerators/ incubators. They could do so by helping to identify the most deserving and really innovative initiatives.

This two-day event gave the opportunity for Italian stakeholders to:

  • become further acquainted with the WestMED Initiative activities in Italy and in the sub-basin over the last four years;
  • become aware of the strategic agreement among the two national maritime clusters (proposed and supported by the WestMED National Coordinators and Italian National Hub) and the excellent results already achieved;
  • network and meet, (Italian and foreign) representatives in-person from over 50 clusters, accelerators and incubators, venture capital companies, start-ups, research institutes, EU platforms, EU funds managing authorities.

More than 70 experts and professionals from the whole country joined in-person with an average of 40 participants who followed  the event online.

To complement the programme,  the visitors were treated to a guided tour of the museum by Prof Ferdinando Boero, who described the 150 years history of Stazione Anton Dohrn where he highlighted the significant contribution of the two scientists Dohrn and Darwin to marine zoology and their studies preserved in this museum, as well as drawing attention to the Gulf of Naples, as being the richest marine biodiversity site

All participants who joined in-person, received a free conference kit.

As a follow-up, the WestMED National Coordinators and Italian National  Hub are already undertaking the steps subsequent to the opportunities that emerged during this event.

For further info, contact Leonardo Mazari (National Hub Italy) :


Tunisia national event 2022 - partner contract signing

Lancement de l’Economie Bleue en Tunisie avec la signature d’un accord de partenariat entre le Cluster Maritime Tunisien et l’Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer

Le Hub National Tunisie du projet WestMED a organisé, le 2 juin 2022 à Tunis, l’évènement national sur “L’économie bleue en Tunisie”. Plus de 80 personnes ont assisté à cet événement dont Mme Asma shiri Labidi, la ministre chargée du Secrétariat Général de la Mer, des représentants de l’administration, des entreprises aussi bien publiques que privées, des associations et des universitaires et chercheurs.

A l’ouverture des travaux, et après la présentation du projet WestMed par le Hub National Tunisie, la ministre a affirmé une volonté politique nationale pour développer l’économie bleue en Tunisie et que son département a soumis au gouvernement un document retraçant la stratégie à entreprendre et un plan d’actions pour les trois prochaines années 2023-2025.

Elle a fait un aperçu détaillé des différentes activités de l’économie bleue en mettant l’accent sur les objectifs et les priorités pour chaque secteur. La ministre a insisté sur la coordination entre les différents départements au niveau national mais aussi sur la coopération à l’échelle internationale et notamment méditerranéenne.  Prenant la parole le Coordinateur National du projet a souligné l’importance du projet Westmed et de son approche de réunir les différents acteurs de l’économie bleue autour de différents thèmes afin de débattre des différentes difficultés et d’augmenter la coordination entre eux. Il a insisté sur l’importance de la coopération internationale notamment avec l’Union Européenne dans ce domaine.

Le Hub National a rappelé que la première partie de l’événement est consacrée au rôle des groupes techniques Westmed dans la création d’une dynamique de réflexion des secteurs prometteurs. Il a fait une présentation sur la création de ces groupes, leurs objectifs et priorités et la nécessité de renforcer la coopération entre les deux rives de la méditerranée dans ces domaines. Les représentants tunisiens dans ces groupes ont fait des communications détaillées sur le transport propre, l’aquaculture durable, les clusters et le tourisme alternatif. Le débat était riche et tournait autour du choix des différentes énergies de substitution au fioul lourd dans le transport propre et des coûts d’adaptation de la flotte et des infrastructures.

La nécessité de garantir la croissance équilibrée d’une aquaculture durable étant donné l’inexistence d’un MSP et de l’impact des déchets des poissons sur l’environnement. Les opérateurs du tourisme et notamment de la plaisance ont insisté sur la baisse de l’activité suite au Covid19 et le retard dans la reprise de cette activité et ont insisté sur la nécessité de l’entretien de l’infrastructure des ports de plaisance.

La deuxième partie de l’événement était consacrée à l’économie bleue solidaire, à la recherche et innovation en biotechnologie bleue comme source d’opportunité pour les entreprises, aux défis et perspectives de l’industrialisation de la pêche et de l’aquaculture et aux méthodes et outils pour un aménagement durable du littoral. Le débat était animé et concernait notamment la nécessité des réformes institutionnelles pour faciliter la synergie entre la recherche scientifique et le secteur industriel et résoudre le problème de cloisonnement entre eux et d’ouvrir ces instituts de recherches sur leur environnement et sur les préoccupations des opérateurs et la résolution de leurs problèmes.

Les participants ont insisté sur l’inexistence d’un MSP et d’une GIZC est de nature à créer des conflits entre les opérateurs et à encourager le développement spontané des différentes activités ce qui engendrerait une dégradation du littoral.

L’événement national sur l’économie bleue était l’occasion de la signature d’un accord de partenariat entre le Cluster Maritime Tunisien et l’Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer.


Salem Miladi presenting at the Westmed in my country event Tunisia022 westmed in-my-country event 22.conference room

people meeting at event bridging the gap in Malta 2022

Bridging the Maritime Skills Gap. Succesful WestMED event helps identify possible solutions in Malta

Today the WestMED Initiative (Malta) in collaboration with the Malta Maritime Forum organised an event entitled “Blue Skills: Bridging the Skills Gap through Education and Ocean Literacy”.

The event was successful in bringing together the views of the captains of industry and academia who identified skills shortages and possible solutions to the skills gap shortages that are afflicting the industry.

The event sought to strengthen cooperation between all stakeholders in order to address labour market frictions that hamper employers from their much-needed talent and skills that sustain their business models.

Moreover the event also focused on the important role of ocean literacy in order to bridge the gap highlighting the importance of engaging youths, students as well as NGOs within the industry.

The work conducted by the Union for the Mediterranean on blue skills was also presented in the event and colleagues from the Atlantic Assistance Mechanism presented the work conducted on blue skills and ocean literacy in the Atlantic.

The event was purposely timed to coincide with Maritime Day and enjoyed official recognition as a ‘European Maritime Day (EMD) In My Country’.

Besides key industry and academia representatives, other participants in the event included the Hon Aaron Farrugia, Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects; the Hon Ivan Castillo, Shadow Minister for the Maritime Sector; Perit Karmenu Vella, former European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries; and Mr Joseph Bugeja, Chairperson and CEO of Transport Malta.

More information: contact Stephanie Vella or Annabel Vella at our WestMED National Hub Malta

euromed academy poster

E-Learning program launched: “Fostering and managing Blue growth Potential in the Mediterranean

Source: Interreg Mediterranean-Blue Growth

In the context of the INTERREG EURO-MED Academy, the Blue Growth Community is launching the next 16th of May 2022, the online programme “Fostering and Managing Blue Growth Potential in the Mediterranean”.

This e-learning programme is addressed to the next Generation of Mediterranean Leaders on Inclusive and Sustainable Development both from the Northern and Southern shores. This entails a very wide audience having a direct relation to the Blue Growth sector, from young people involved in the blue economy governance to young entrepreneurs and practitioners working in business support organizations (BSOs), NGOs, research institutions, etc.

Therefore, all stakeholders coming from the public/private sectors and civil society interested on Blue Growth will have the opportunity to benefit of this free learning programme that offers a global coverage of all thematic areas of Blue Economy.

Using different training tools such as 7,5h of pre-recorded lectures, available side material for studying (documents, videos, links, etc.), assessment tools (short tests and an exercise), one live webinar and a final event (with key-note speeches and selected presentations of the participants and students), this programme will offer:

  • Modules: 10 short modules structures in the following thematic:
    1. Potential of Blue Economy in the Mediterranean
    2. Marine Renewable Energy (1st part)
    3. Marine Renewable Energy (2nd part)
    4. Sustainable Tourism
    5. Greening the Ports
    6. Fisheries & Aquaculture
    7. Unlocking the potential of Blue Bioeconomy through biotechnologies
    8. Maritime Security & Maritime Surveillance
    9. Maritime Spatial Planning
    10. How to reconcile Blue Economy and Marine Environmental protection


  • Course duration: 5 weeks (recommended)


Through a dedicated section under each Module, the participants will have the opportunity to overview innovative results and tools produced by the projects of the Blue Growth Community and beyond.

The Blue Growth Community e-learning program “Fostering and Managing Blue Growth Potential in the Mediterranean” will take place from the 16th of May to the 11th of July 2022.

Find more information here.


underwater ray of light

Survey for Nautical Companies to Understand Potential of Innovative Marine Robotics


Blue Roses is an EU funded project, developed by a consortium of research institutions and companies (Navigo and Aninver – IMC Worldwide among them), to use state-of-the-art marine robotics to develop innovative and sustainable underwater services for marinas and leisure boats.

The aim of the project is to facilitate access to the underwater environment through the use of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and associated ICT. This ‘new dimension’ will help marinas attract and grow interest from diversified users. The robots can be used in a variety of functions, including yacht hull monitoring, remote access to underwater sites, monitoring of sea beds and many other applications.
The three scenarios considered by the project, in which we seek to identify and analyze innovative services and business models, are:
1. Remote access to naturalistic and/or cultural underwater sites (Pilot 1)
2. Robotic-based waters and seabed monitoring inside marinas (Pilot 2)
3. Robotic-based monitoring of yacht hulls for security and support to refit and dismantling

This survey is part of the research to understand the potential of innovative marine robotics services and business models. Your collaboration is highly appreciated. Your personal data will only be used for statistical purposes and none of the consortium members will store or further use this information.

Take me to the survey here

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Deux projets d’éoliennes flottantes vont émerger en Méditerranée

Source: Econostrum

Les régions Occitanie et Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur vont accueillir deux projets de parcs éoliens flottants de 250 MW chacun. Un débat public débutera en juillet 2021 pour valider leur opportunité, les impacts, les caractéristiques et définir leurs localisations. La France est ambitieuses dans ce secteur, mais malgré des premiers appels d’offres voici neuf ans, ne compte encore aucun parc d’éoliennes flottantes sur ses quatre façades maritimes.

Le débat public sur les projets de parcs éoliens flottants EOS (pour EOliennes flottanteS) en Méditerranée se déroulera du 12 juillet au 31 octobre 2021. “Il se tient en amont de la décision de poursuivre ou non le projet, et permettra au public de questionner son opportunité, ses impacts et ses caractéristiques, dont la localisation. La Commission qui porte le débat public est indépendante et neutre vis-à-vis du porteur de projet. Elle veillera à ce que l’ensemble des acteurs concernés (professionnels de la mer, du tourisme, industriels, associations, acteurs de la recherche et de la formation, etc…) comme le grand public puissent être informés du projet et donner leur avis“, commente une source proche du dossier, interrogée par

En lire plus sur le site Econostrum

screenshot econostrum website with article on clusters

Les start-up et les transfers de technologie, nouveau souffle pour les clusters méditerranéens

Source: Econostrum

Arrivés voici une vingtaine d’années dans les pays méditerranéens, avec comme pionniers les incubateurs d’El Ghazala (Tunisie), Berytech (Liban) et Casablanca Technopark (Maroc), les écosystèmes d’innovation se sont rapidement développés dans ces régions. Les parcs technologiques (souvent baptisés technoparks) ou clusters (grappe d’entreprises en français), spécialisés dans des secteurs précis, sont venus compléter le maillage en mutualisant les compétences entre entreprises du même secteur d’activité ou de la même filière.

En lire plus

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Take part in the Seabed 2030 survey – closes end of April 2021

Source: NLA International on behalf of Seabed 2030

Last year NLA International Ltd working on behalf of Seabed 2030, launched an online survey to find out more about the status and potential of mapping the ocean floor. The survey collected views from across all interested sectors to help us better understand issues such as:

  • Why stakeholders feel it is important to map the seabed.
  • How interested parties are estimating the environmental, social and economic value of seabed mapping.
  • Where are the most urgent priorities for seabed mapping.

All of this will help us to corroborate – or challenge – existing thinking, and hopefully identify any areas of the seabed that may benefit from a more joined-up / collaborative approach.

We have been really delighted with the responses thus far – we have received nearly 470 detailed responses to date – and are currently hard at work analysing the initial findings.

However, it is not too late to have your say! We will be keeping the survey open until the end of April, and we would be very grateful if you could contribute your views.

To access the survey, please click here.

More information

Read the article: Marine Geospatial Data: the Cornerstone of the Blue Eonomy

Read more about the seabed 2030 Initiuative:  100% of Ocean Floor mapped by 2030

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A new agenda for the Mediterranean: the Council approves conclusions on a renewed partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood

Press release:  Council of the EU

The Council approved conclusions affirming the EU’s determination to renew and strengthen its strategic partnership with its Southern Neighbourhood. The objective is to address common challenges, take advantage of shared opportunities and unlock the region’s economic potential for the benefit of its people.

Spurring sustainable long-term socio-economic recovery and job creation in the Southern Neighbourhood is a key shared priority and the innovative cornerstone of the new Agenda for the Mediterranean. Working together, the EU and its Southern Neighbourhood partners can turn climate and environmental challenges, and digital transformation, into major opportunities for sustainable development, contributing to a just and inclusive green transition. The EU will use all its available instruments, including the NDICI-Global Europe and the European Fund for Sustainable Development plus (EFSD+), and engage with financial institutions to achieve this objective, paying particular attention to the human dimension and opportunities for young people.

Good governance, the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, democratic institutions and the rule of law are also considered to be essential for long-term stability, security and sustainable development in the region. The EU will step up its engagement on these issues, and renew its efforts on conflict prevention and resolution, as well as on cooperation on security, migration and the preparedness and response capacities of healthcare systems.

The EU intends to strengthen the political dialogue across the Mediterranean by setting up annual meetings of EU member states’ and Southern Neighbourhood partners’ foreign ministers to review progress in the implementation of the new Agenda for the Mediterranean.

Read more on the EU Councils press release webpage